Hand wird nur von Hand gewaschen - temporary mural, pencil and acrylic paint on wall, size 7,5 x 2,18 meter, 2021
In her wall piece "Hand is washed only by hand", Letizia Werth takes up the theme of washing clothes and links it to global issues. The women are immersed in water and circular fabric structures rise into the air like soap bubbles. The interwoven threads are emblematic of the connection between unpaid and underpaid "female" care work and the global problems of poverty and destruction of nature that afflict us today. The service of washing, as well as everything that goes with it, is usually performed by women. Here, the subject is representative of all invisible care work, which is not given the appreciation it deserves in the official economy, but which is indispensable to satisfy the human needs for attentiveness, care, nurturing and prudence, and to keep the economy running. (Text excerpt Sabine Gamper)

The wall piece was conceived for the project "Who cares?!" by Sabine Gamper, for the exhibition: KUNST IST, 25 anni di Merano Arte, South Tyrol, Italy 2021